• Mechanical Festival 2011 : 'Mechanical Festival 2011' the yearly day-long event organized by MEA will be held on 16th july to 19th july 2018 at the central auditorium complex of BUET. The MEA magazine 'Ojantrik' will be published in greater dimension this year. The session includes seminar, informal games, movie and cultural show. Inter-level football competition of the students is expected to be an enthusiastic event in this year's festival.

Programme Schedule 29th January, 2019 BUET Auditorium
# Time Event named Place
1 28 january 9:00 am to 31 january Opening of the Festival
2 29 January (Tuesday) 10:00am to 5:00pm Photography Contest Auditorium Entrance
3 29 January ( Tuesday ) 1:00pm Rally, Inauguration Cafeteria premises
3 29 January (Tuesday) Judgment by teachers at 2:00pm Project Show Del Cafe
3 29 January (Tuesday) from 5:30pm Engineering Olympiad EME Building Classroom
Programme Schedule 30th January, 2019 BUET
# Time Programmes Place
1 30 January ( Wednesday ) 3:00pm to 5:00pm Poster Presentation Auditorium Enterance
2 30 January ( Wednesday ) 5:30pm to 8:00pm Career Talk and Job Seminar Auditorium
3 30 January ( Wednesday ) 3:00pm Teacher, Students’ sports Cafe plinth
3 30 January (Wednesday) from 12:00pm Fury Race Cafeteria
3 30 January (Wednesday) from 5:00pm CAD Contest Undergraduate Computer La
Programme Schedule 31th January, 2019 BUET
# Time Programmes Place
1 31 January(Thursday) 9:00am to 5:00pm Mechathon EME Building Classroom
2 31 January(Thursday) 6:00pm onwards Cultural Night (Spondon) Auditorium ( Main hall )
3 9th-12th week Inter Batch Football &Cricket Tournament BUET Field
• New Class Representatives :
The new executive body of Mechanical Engineering Association was formed in April 2017. New class representatives were elected from the five current batches, two from each section. The new head of the department Prof. M Mahbubul Alam met the 24 new member of the class representative body in a meeting later on. Generally the class representatives are elected for one academic level.
• "Nobeen Boron" 2017 :
The fresher's reception new students of Level-1, Term-1 (Batch17), named as 'Nobeen Boron' was arranged by "Jantrokoushol Sangshad' (MEA) on 25 April 2018 at the auditorium. The aim of the program was to welcome the new students and get them informed regarding the activities of MEA. The program was addressed by - Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mahbubul Alam, Prof. D. K. Das, Prof. Maglub Al Nur and Prof. Md. Ehsan. The discussion was followed by a cultural program arranged by the students of the department. The new students participated in the program enthusiastically.