• Administrative Structure :
According to the present constitution, each and every student of Mechanical Engineering Department is the member of the MEA. Two students from each section of each level are elected as class representatives. All the class representatives are members of the executive committee of the association. The head of the department is the highest authority of the association. He presides the executive committee and a ' teacher-in-charge' or moderator coordinates the activities of the association. Various sub-committees are formed for organizing different programs where the students of the department work in close guidance of the teachers.
• General Members :
The core of the MEA is basically the students of Mechanical Engineering department. The faculty of the department also play an active role in the activities of the association as general members. Being a part of the department is also being a part of this association.
• Executive Members :
Four students representatives, two from each section of every level, are elected by the students as members of the executive committee of MEA. Student representatives for the executive committee are generally elected for a term of one year (one level). The head of the Department is always the president of the association and the 'Teacher-in-charge', a selected faculty member acts as the coordinator of of the association.