High Speed AeroLab
Dr. A. B. M. Toufique Hasan
Ground Floor (Experiment) and 3rd Floor (Computation), ME Building
The High Speed AeroLab is a research laboratory which focuses on the fundamental and applied gas dynamics related flow problems. Understanding of compressible fluid flow and shock wave dynamics in transonic and supersonic flows are important to design and performance analysis of high speed vehicles as well as various high speed propulsion systems such as nozzles and diffusers.
To meet the global challenges in aerospace related systems, the Department of Mechanical Engineering had conducted a project titled "Capacity Building in Applied Gas Dynamics Research for Aerospace Science and Engineering (CP 3111)" (July 2014-December 2017). This project had been awarded as a sub-project of Academic Innovation Fund (AIF-3rd round) under Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) implemented by University Grants Commission (UGC) through Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of Bangladesh (GoB). Under this sub-project, the state-of-the-art experimental and high performance computational facilities have been developed in High Speed AeroLab (Experiment and Computation), ME, BUET
The lab is generally used to conduct high performance computation and experiments for postgraduate as well as undergraduate researches and projects. This laboratory is particularly used for advanced research in fundamental and applied gas dynamics and aerospace engineering related problems.
Lab Resources and Facilities:
Experimental Facilities:
- Supersonic Wind Tunnel:
Brand: TecQuipment (TQ, UK), Model: AF302, speed up to Mach 1.80, Test Section: 25.4 × 101.6mm, Instrumentation Panel: Self-contained instrumentation frame comprising versatile Data Acquisition System, 25-way pressure display unit, ‘Mimic’ Panel of the working section pressure tappings etc.
- Supersonic Nozzle Open Jet Facility:
Blowdown type facility- Mach number 2.2 with run time of 60 s.
Supersonic nozzle facility consisting of air compressor (Ingersoll Rand, Model: MXU37-PE), air dryer (Brand: Ingersoll Rand, Model: D600IN-A), Compressor Air Filters (Brand: Ingersoll Rand, Model: FA 400 IG & FA 400 IH), Air Storage Tank (2 Nos., 30,000 Liters), Electronic Pressure Control Valve with Control Box: (1 Set).
- Schlieren Optical System: (2 Nos.)
Brand: TecQuipment (TQ), Model: AF302, Monochrome type, High Power 100 W. Single Phase 100 VAC to 230 VAC, 50 Hz.
Brand: Sigmakoki, Japan
- Pressure Transducers:
Brand: Kulite, Model: XCQ-093; Fully active 4 arm Wheatstone Bridge dielectrically isolated Silicon on Silicon, pressure up to 17 bar Abs.
- Data Acquisition System (DAQ):
Brand: National Instrument, Model: NI 9237, cDAQ-9174, NI 9949. 4 analogue input channels, 24 bits, sampling: 50,000 S/s; ± 25mV/V
Computer Resources:
- Server- DELL Power Edge R730 (1Nos.)
(2 x 10 Core Intel Xeon Processor, 2.60 GHz, 25 MB Cache, 96 GB Memory)
- Work Station-DELL Precision 5810 (4 Nos.)
(1 x 6 Core Inlet Xeon Processor, 3.5 GHz, 15 MB Cache, 32 GB Memory)
- Desktop Computer-DELL OptiPlex 9020 MT (6 Nos.)
(Intel Core i7 Processor (4 Core), 3.6 GHz, 8 MB cache, 16 GB Memory)
- Laptop Computer-DELL Latitude E5550 (2 Nos.)
(Intel Core i7 Processor, 2.6 GHz, 4 MB cache, 8 GB Memory)
- ANSYS CFD V14.5 with HPC pack (www.ansys.com)
- Kaspersky antivirus(www.kaspersky.com)
Courses Conducted :
- Project and research works in postgraduate level.