Dr. Anup Saha
Dr. Anup Saha
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Fields
Turbulent Mixing of Complex Flows
Image Processing & Data Analysis
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
Ultrafast Laser Diagnostics
Courses Offered
ME 411: Combustion and Pollution
ME 223: Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
ME 265: Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
Other Activities
Member: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
Contact Address
Department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
Email: anup106@me.buet.ac.bd
Tel: 8802-223365636 (Office)
List of Publications
"Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of an Acoustically Forced Cryogenic Coaxial Jet Injector", Saha, A., Crosmer, J., Roy, S., and Meyer, T. R International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 170, 2024, p. 104627.
"Spectrally filtered ps–ns emission dynamics of atmospheric pressure nanosecond pulsed plasmas", Patel, K., Saha, A., Zhou, T., Meyer, T. R., Bane, S., & Satija, A, Applied Physics Letters, 120(1), 014101.